
In 1,000 years, when anthropologists are sifting through the detritus of early 21st century culture, they will most likely scratch their heads at the knee-jerk reaction of the masses: when the going gets tough, the tough get blogging. I graduated in 2008 with a degree in journalism, which likely means I'll be living in a cardboard box at some point. I had (nearly) full knowledge of this when I graduated, but being a self-avowed word nerd, I continued forward. Fast forward nearly two years, and I've burned through a retail job (laid off due to the economy), wandered through three countries and finally settled with a part-time editorial assistant gig. All the while continuing to look for full-time work. In any field conceivable.
In the last two and a half weeks, I've applied for 15 jobs. Since I've hit this milestone, I decided to immortalize it in the digital hallows of the Intertoobs and provide commentary for the road ahead.


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