Job-hunting in your native habitat

If Guerrilla Marketing for Job Hunters 2.0 wants you to practice stealthy cover letter maneuvers and ninja-like resume writing, I'd rather wear a pith helmet, ready to exclaim "Crikey" like a certain Australian naturalist when first observing a dream job -- then go after it. I'm calling it my plot, prepare, pick strategy.

I didn't dress up like David Livingstone, but I did use safari-like tactics when I targeted my internship. First, I researched prospective companies in my area that fit my interests and career path. I followed them on Twitter. I read their blogs. I've created Google news alerts for them so I can track their industry activity. In short, I've stalked them like a cheetah stalks an unsuspecting antelope on the Serengeti, except I'm a lot nicer and less likely to feed on your carcass.
So how did I finally net my internship? The company tweeted about a summer internship opportunity. I mentioned the tweet in my cover letter, didn't disguise the fact that I wasn't a college student, and they seemed to respect my bluntness and acumen for Twitter. As I mentioned in a previous post, I opened my cover letter with a (true) story and set it up to explain why I should be the firm's newest intern. I also prayed a lot about it. After the interview, the firm asked me to start sooner than the summer -- immediately.

I'm using the plot, prepare, pick strategy from now on. It's given me way more options to choose from, and a chance to work at a job I love.


  1. I could use some help with cover letters, if I ever find a job worth applying to (as I am working now, it's not urgent, but I do want to move on eventually. Cosmetics is not my first choice of careers!). What's your best cover-letter tip?

  2. Women are much more likely than men to have gaps in their resume because it is not uncommon for women to take time off from work to care for a sick or aging relative, to have children, or to go through periods of under-employment or unemployment for various other reasons. Sadly, however, hiring managers will see this “resume gap” as a red flag and will want to know why you took time off from work. Learn more:

    employment tips


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